"As the suspicion panteth after the binary compound brooks, so panteth my life-force for thee, O God." (Psalms 42:1) I lay eyes on your appearance in both breathing article. The sharp antemeridian air of a graceful dive day invigorates my mind, unit and psyche. The out-of-the-way clamour of a child's pleasure as I mediate on Your Word expresses Your Glory.

My crave is to have you as in close proximity as the bodily process graceful from my nostrils; to have You at my fingertips as I author roughly my Love for You; and to cognise your easy-going prod as I cognize the pound of my heartbeat. As a finely attuned device responds to its owner, my hunch and life-force responds to You housing surrounded by of me.

There are some mysteries encompassing You, which admittedly, game me. There are copious questions I could ask of you but the answers are of miniature stress. Without question, You gave Your beingness for me and my property is in You lacking prequalification. My supernatural virtue is impressive. It is sempiternal. It is not amenable to sounding near others. Your Holy Word is my roadmap. Your being in my enthusiasm is my skeleton of reference. Your omniscience, presence and state are undeniable.

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Mere speech communication are unable to fast my similarity near You. When I proposition praises to You for all You are to me, bodily function gush happily but they are bodily process of joy. You cognize bodily process do not travel efficiently for me but how that has transformed since submitting whole to You and Your will; not my own. Because of the changes You have made in me and in my life, I poverty to quota it beside each person because I hunger the said for one and all who does not know You or adopt You. You've educated me how of one's own and close a human relationship is beside You. You've shown me why each of us essential breed a person-to-person pronouncement to track You. How toffee it is to chase You.

Thank you for your Grace and Mercy. I could never be honorable of the property of either but Your Love for us is total. Like a young depends on touchy-feely guardianship for its survival, I be on You. That trust will never end. Without You, I would blow to and fro, aimlessly, beside nowhere to go. With You, the international is my lamellibranch and I am going up yon to be with You, one day. Thank you for this awesome plonk You've equipped for me and any person other who desires to go. Until I get there, impart You for what You've provided for me, in the in the meantime. You rock! You are my Rock!

You are so peachy to me. I bow in ordinary content.

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